Friday, September 23, 2011

An iPad will never replace my ThinkPad

There are always new twists and turns in consumer technology. Thus far I have not been interested in the tablets given I do see any interest in having the internet and arms reach all the time, everywhere I go. In fact my old phone from 2006 could give me access to the internet, but I never had much need for that then, why would I need it now?
Being a consumer like most others, I understand the need to get the most common, standard device. It is easier to use the same terminology as others, share software and troubleshoot, or at least think that you are trying to help troubleshoot a problem.

Regarding the iPad, it may continue to sell as well as it had in the last year, but I my need for a tablet will be difficult to justify. Firstly, apps are mostly games, and I have a hard time finishing the ones that I buy or those that I download and never install. The computing power of my ThinkPad has not yet been maxed out, but it can be upgraded - more RAM, faster CPU, larger SSD, PCI-e adapters etc. however the iPad is fixed in time, like a tool that will never change.

Computers can be tools for social activities, but they also used to justify procrastinating in solitary terms. If I want to jot down my thoughts, a pen and paper work great, but I am typing to put up my thoughts on this blog. A touch screen works for some things, but for writing, gaming or even reading, a vertical screen and a near horizontal keyboard can't be beat.

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