Sunday, May 19, 2013

Now is the time to "commit sociology"

News reports are sensational. They have to be when the networks are competing for advertisers' business. Unfortunately, it means that politicians will be playing along : rash comments, reactionary views - something to appease their supporters.
As much I would like to have confidence in the people in Parliament or legislature, I was appalled by Prime Minister Harper's comment about the bombing at the Boston Marathon when he said that it is no time to commit sociology.

No social science is perfect - no social science is objective whether it be economics, history, anthropology or sociology. For that matter, no applied science like physics, biology, chemistry or medicine is objective either : they depend on funding, ideology and a cultural legacy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Buttonless Trackpoint?!!

The new S431 makes me think again about the ThinkPad line. A new keyboard design was controversial, but changing the trackpoint too?

I am not sure I will like the buttonless touchpad. I exclusively use the trackpoint on my ThinkPad. It works flawlessly : I know what I am pressing thanks to the textured buttons.