Sunday, November 25, 2012

Optical discs to make a comback! 500GB to 1TB

While bandwidth is increasing, there is no certainty that  everybody will be going "cloud" - not totally secure would a company go belly up, no access when there are connection problems etc.

Unless doing a lot of media, video and audio work, huge amounts of storage, large than a 1GB is unlikely, but some of us have millions of photos that we will never look at, or know what to do with them. So we may store them on a hard drive, or optical disk.

Earlier, I wrote about my dilemma about getting a blu-ray drive for my new PC. While it wasn't totally necessary, as the library's selection of films isn't great, at least I have the option of viewing blu-ray discs and writing to make backups. Preparing a few discs instead of 10 is also a plus.

However, it looks like the optical discs will take another twist : 1TB with 20 layers. As optics, laser and machining technology is researched, developed, standardizes and commercialized, we will have other options to store digital media.

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