Friday, November 2, 2012

How much do we consume, how much do we waste?

I am astonished me each time I search through my things. I won't deny for a moment that I consume more that I really should, but at the same time, I know I can do with much less in life. Some belonging are related to my hobbies such as building and repairing electronics, others for artistic aspirations, and other objects are in my belongings just for the sake of trying a technology out : graphics tablet,  game controller, touchscreen tablet, dual chamber bicycle pump, induction cooking plate etc.

When I look at how much money and time I have spent, I shudder to think about all the other things I could have done to make myself more interesting. That would include watching popular movies, sitcoms etc so that I would be able to relate to people that much better. 

Books, sketchpads and basic cooking tools are more than enough when it comes to keeping myself busy. Mind you, talking about technology is also a way to relate to people.

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