Sunday, May 27, 2012

What are you supposed to to do when you do not feel like the protagonist in your own life

Does fatalism seem like the best form of agency to you? Do you feel that the decisions should be left your mother, father or the person who claims to be your better half?

Don't worry, you are not alone. Well, you are, given we probably do not know each other, and there is no else other than yourself who has the power to change the way you feel. I know that by experience as I have not yet succeeded to change the way I look at the world. It does not help that I am unemployed, but I have also had colleagues that are somewhat unhappy with doing a job just for the sake of the money and keep the family finances going.

Unless you are in member of the cabinet or an influential business person, it is unlikely that your day to day decisions will make a difference in the lives of people. Surely enough, you may be developing a community program, a technological innovation to assist a segment of the population, but a sweeping change like pegging your country's currency to another country's or regions could have very profound effects.

Where am I going with this? Economics are a fact of life, but the do not merit to be blamed for a condition or another. For example, as much I am losing some steam in applying for jobs, I am becoming increasingly accustomed to the condition. Am I using my time effectively by learning programming skills(even though I do not want to be a programmer) or by composing music (although I have lost most of my interest in music)? Not really. I spend most of my time reading the news, playing video games, taking hikes, and thinking of what I should do next.

I almost feel like saying that applying for jobs is like playing a video game which not nor interesting, fun or worth talking about. "I applied for a ________ position..."

Would becoming an entrepreneur be a solution to my problem? What types of projects would I like to be involved in? Do I have enough experience? Is it a good job? How will my relationships change?

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