Thursday, May 19, 2011

Exist to work!

When you find yourself doing something everyday, it is obvious that you will have to learn how to write about it such that other people can understand what you are talking about. Unfortunately, when a job search is one of the most uninteresting jobs in the world : you have to justify to someone that you are worth something, but it just so happens that you are being used for one reason or another.

There is a wide gamut of reasons why you may choose to leave a job. Leaving education is also a problem, but often very justifiable when it is not something you particularly like. Introducing the word career into my vocabulary is still a foreign concept, but I may have to do so if I don't want to continue wandering around. My expectations about work have become progressively more realistic, however I should consider doing something that I will not loathe. Why do I have the impression that people loathe their work?
Unfortunately, I am north american and my sense of culture is thin. Work is what defines who I am and why I should exist. Based on the literature on the job search, we are not encouraged to think about the real consequences or need of whatever we do. Great minds make useless things and bad decisions.

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