Monday, April 16, 2012

Apple Bashing to Google Praise

Yes this blog is on Blogger - a Google service. Although not every Google service has been successful, I know that the founders of Google, and the many workers at the company have brought far more to society in the past ten years that their competitor Apple. Although they do not compete exactly for the same market, simple MP3 players, phones and tablets all existed well before the "designer" salesman Steve Jobs presented them. I am sure that he had a much better understanding of humans than I do, but the goal of his understanding of society was driven for a need to change it.
When I look at what Jobs left us, there is no doubt that the technocratic approach is dominant. Many artists, authors, educators have preferred Apple products for various reasons, but the push to the rest of Apple products like phones, tablets and some of the software are more reflective of the mass consumer appeal.
Some technology will flop even if it offers better speeds, energy efficiency or other characteristics that may be sought. The iPad does not have what most would need of want from one moment to another ie. ability to change system fonts, USB or HDMI ports, expandable storage, stylus input. Being thin and rounded may be nice, but it does not meet ergonomic criteria where it must be held in two hands. ( not to mention the neck strain from the tablet.) Unfortunately, seeing Apple winning at the game, all other manufacturers threw resources and money at such products with only a few making a profit.

So where does Google do what Apple does not : organize, produce (survey) and link information. There is no doubt that there is an interest to make money from advertisers, the commercialization of the Internet has been a profitable venture for many. Perhaps keeping information walled and concealed is part of the problem.

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