Wednesday, August 18, 2010

immigrants, ethics and libraries

What am I saying?

I am technically an immigrant. My father arrived here some 45 years ago. My mother is more of European culture, but looking back there is still a lot of Native blood in her family, and me too... Nevertheless, I go to the library to get shit done. Often I cannot take the noise, and my concentration does not last anything more than 15 minutes.

At the library there are people, from what I see, people of many different origins. I cannot make any generalization of the people of X descent being louder, more courteous, clean, stinky( someone was eating a very foul smelling piece of food- wait food is ethnic... am I racist!?) Generally people do not know how

a) Shut off their cell phone ( or at least put it on vibration)
- speak really softly and leave if they must speak
b) Teach their children to respect the public space
c) Just plain courtesy!

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