Friday, May 8, 2020

Amazon Prime - Municipalities and Tax Payers Shouldn't Pay to Dispose of Packaging - Send It Back

I do purchase things online. It's often cheaper and more convenient that going out to the shop.

What makes me somewhat upset of Amazon is the lack of a circular packaging system. It could be like beer bottles, where the packaging is cleaned and reused. Unfortunately the cardboard boxes and plastic bubble or insulated envelopes are single use - the cardboard may get recycled if there's a market for used fiber, but the plastic envelopes most certainly won't.

Through customer support, I asked Amazon what to do with the envelopes as my municipality does not accept/recycle them. I was given no response.

Given the nature of Amazon's operations, they must have the means to manage waste from the products that arrive at their warehouses.

Packing Envelopes to send back an item to Amazon
Solution : Send the packaging back to Amazon.

I had an item to return because it was sent to me by mistake, so I am using the envelopes from Amazon to send the item back.

They will have to deal with the waste, but if everyone started sending the packaging back to Amazon, or whichever retailer or origin, it will force change.

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