Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Precarious Expendable Workforce - Being Under Contract for a Staffing Agency

I am sick of this. 20 years later, I find myself once again doing temp work. The Canadian economy has failed to adapt to international competition and I therefore do not blame myself for this ongoing challenge to find work related to my career. Nevertheless, having to submit to the conditions of a temp agency is not agreeable. It feels exploitative, deflating, and unfair. While I understand the nature of the business, that is a few people find clients and sell off man hours of labour, the difference in hourly wage accounts for :
  • Income for workers of the staffing agency
  • Overhead - rent, utilities
  • Insurance and licencing
I have an advanced degree, yet the opportunities that the agency offers me labour jobs like doing janitorial work in a factory. Without providing details about an "opportunity", only a date, the agency expressed their need of a worker. I said that I would be available. It ended being a moving job which was a little too dangerous for my liking.  The kicker : I was paid $12 an hour, the staffing agency was collecting $19.

The Rise of the Permanent Temp Economy
Erin Hatton's book  : http://www.amazon.ca/Temp-Economy-Permatemps-Postwar-America-ebook/dp/B006K0E58W/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1443354832&sr=1-1&keywords=9781439900826










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