Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Really, can computers do anything at all?

Going online to get the news is a different experience from picking up a newspaper, turning on the radio or the television, or heading out the local bar(or church) to take part in the gossip. Yet, computers permeate our lives in so many ways without doing much or anything at all. I would not discredit the conveniences achieved with energy generation, automation of flights, telecommunications, and certainly the Google self-driven vehicle, etc. however, it is difficult to pin point what computers can do.

A computer cannot repair the handle on my cooking pot, prepare a meal, make my bed, do my laundry, rake the leaves etc. It could be argued that computers are just tools to assist in the completion of the tasks above, making them more efficient, or less labour intensive.
While I could praise the work of coders who made the Auto Awesome, it still comes down to people having made a piece of software for a function that would have been done by hand. As I try to think of what app could be of any use to me, it comes to no surprise that just about all the apps that I have installed on my phone are web site equivalents.

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