Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 en route - Lessons learned

Great! A new year, and at this time, like at any other, it is necessary to reflect on past experiences. I hate reading lists of rules or advice for life, but here are my most recent bits of wisdom :
  1. Be positive. First impressions are important.
  2. Smaller expectations lead to less disappointment should things not turn out as planned. 
  3. Ambition is not for me. At the time being, I am as ambitious as a porcupine.
  4. Never offer unsolicited assistance.
  5. Never provide unsolicited criticism for others about something that doesn't affect you or others. Unless of course, the actions are causing harm. Tact and diplomacy are necessary.
  6. Never respond or react to personal attacks or criticism. It can be an entertaining challenge to respond with snarky comments, however restraint is more important. An assessment of the power dynamic may mean curling up in a little ball in the corner. Staying out of harm's way is part of life.
  7. Never go on the defensive. If a fault of your own doing is indeed the case, fessing up is acceptable. There is no need to cry and make a dramatic apology. Detailing the reasons why a given action was taken allows for yourself and others to learn from the mistake. 
  8. Don't apologize if you don't mean it. Apologies used to be polite are often insincere.
  9. Being human means being expendable. Giving your heart to somebody may feel like the right thing at the time, but I have learnt that I should be prepared to be hurt. 
  10. Screaming is never appropriate. Feeling upset, getting angry, or mad, is fine. An expressions in a controlled and calm fashion is better. Loud sounds, making oneself appear bigger is part of our evolution to improve our chances of survival. In western culture, like most societies, a public display of anger is a sign of a lack of restraint. 
  11. Holding a grudge just makes things worse. 
  12. Live and let live. Looking down at people is a way to miss out on the world. There is only one true democracy that no one escapes.

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